Italo de Angelis

Eventide and other stuff > strymon® TIMELINE

strymon® TIMELINE

One of the very best delay pedals around! Very inspiring machine with variety of textural effects added to echo.

Its "forte" is the way your delays get textural colors from filters, grit, smear, modulation and several vintage technologies emulations like bucket brigade or multi-head tape echo or lo-fi artifacts as sample rate and digital word-length reduction.

Interesting multitaps pre-made patterns add ways to create ambient echo-verbs with the right amount of filtering… with its several "sweet spots" where you'll find the best warmth and analog-like tones.

Dual parallel or series delays can create spectacular stereo effects you will have a hard time to find anywhere else in the pedals market. Reverse delays and a variety of pitch shifting effects added to echoes round up the terrific array of sounds the TIMELINE has to offer. Special stereo tricks are always going on, in any effect you use. You may notice the panoramic imaging movement and phase games which make the strymon® echo a new classic!

Terrific specs like 24bit/96KHz sampling rate and parallel analog path for the dry signal make this product almost perfect!

Only grief here is the limited +8dB input headroom which doesn't make this pedal optimal for a rack system where nominal +4dB line levels run and peak well over its max. value.

Many hope and pray strymon® will release a rack dedicated delay device, including and expanding the TIMELINE palette of efx and adding some new ones to it… with many knobs and more programming freedom for the ultimate echo shaping tasks. Please… do it!


These audio examples are recorded at 24bit/48KHz resolution.
You can download the original files or listen to streaming audio at 320kbps.
Please, please, please�use a high quality set of speakers or high end headphones.
Those computer or, worse, laptops squeaking holes won't give justice to the strymon® TIMELINE audio quality and respect to your ears!

If you are interested in purchasing these presets libraries, please email me thru the contact page, here:
strymon® TIMELINE
Italo De Angelis Presets Library


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  500_250   The classic dual delay many use to add space to lead or chordal work.
A touch of modulation and nice filtering widen up your playing.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  AMBI 1   Long panning delays with generous feedback and modulation create a huge bed of verbed sound.
Use a compressor to smoothen out attack or a volume pedal to swell chords in.
This has compression and a touch of reverb added to it.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  ECORUS 1   The popular PCM70 modulated delays effect. A slight variation here as a quirky ghost of reverse delay appears.
Some TC SCF chorus added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TAPECHORUS   Vintage style modulated tape echo. Thick and dark.
A shade of detuning added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  BKWPAD   Filtered modulated long reversed delays for your harmonic pleasures!
Try arpeggios here and listen to the ghost waves coming back at you. Modern sound!
TC Sustainer compression added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  BROOK ECHOES   Great stereo modulated rhythmic delays, inspired to the echo master genius Michael Brook.
Try to play in time w/delays� simple riffs, muted ones� with sparse open strings and you'll get the majesty of this highly colored space enhancer effect. Experiment with different delays subdivisions for TIME2. A truly inspiring tweak.
Some TC SCF chorus added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  MAJESTICON 70   Inspired by the great PCM70 delays, this one has 2 delay lines in parallel, filtered and heavily chorused.
Nice comb filtering and and diffusion smear the echoes after a few repetitions�
Some TC SCF chorus added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SLOWIN   One of a kind effect!
A mix of forward and reverse delays, interspersed, modulated and smeared.
Long delay setting makes this echo dramatic and huge. Nice colors happening.
Some TC SCF chorus added before and Plex DiffVerb post.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SPREAD   Cool rhythmic multitap delays pattern� nice to play in time to.
It will open the panorama up!
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SHUFFLES   Your stereo delays shuffle around you.
Play in time and enjoy the rich and smooth texture from these echoes.
Some TC SCF chorus added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  4ON3   One of the most popular rhythmic delays subdivisions for your chordal work.
Mild colors from filters and modulation.
Some Landau style TSC emulation added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  CHASE ECHO   A delay thru a swept filter for cool electronica efx. There's a nice stereo imaging going on here. Try your headphones and you'll know what I mean.
Some TC SCF chorus added before and Plex DiffVerb post.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DOT8THS   More popular rhythmic delays for you. This sounds great for dotted 1/8th poly-rhythms.
You will recognize several great guitarists tones in this efx.
Some TC SCF chorus added before and Plex DiffVerb post.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  AMBIECHOES   Multitap spreading your chordal work in a warn, detuned filtered nebula.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  REVERB   2 parallel delays interact creating an interesting ambience effect.
Try with a compressor to smoothen out attack transients and the verb will sound more realistic.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  PLATISH   Really nice echo fastly growing in a plate type of ambience! Great for clean guitar finger string snapping playing.
TC Sustainer compression added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  VINTVERB   A dense echoverb with a vintage character, warm and wide� definitely a great reverb.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SOLEMN   Auto swelling efx. Your chords fade into a warm modulated cumulonimbus. Dreamy!
Some TC SCF chorus added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  HALO   Classic vintage tube/tape echoes evolving into an halo, dark, midrangey.
Cool on sparse playing�
TC Sustainer compression and TC SCF chorus added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  LAYERS   Delay patterns overlap in a long ambient reverb, smeared, filtered and modulated.
One of a kind pad for your chordal tasks, swelling action or dramatic leads!
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DTNSPACE   Spectacular detuned atmosphere! The evolving reverb works great on chords and lead lines�
Space is deep and wide. Modulation is majestic.
TC Sustainer compression added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DIFDLY   Stupendous delay with a diffused ambience! A classic Lexicon trick with a twist. The ambience here is larger and deeper, almost roomy with the later delay bounces. Try feeding a nice chorus to this and you'll get an amazing tone.
TC Sustainer compression added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SPEEDYWARDS2ASGARD   This is epic!
Two presets in a clip, the chordal ASGARD and the SPEEDYWARDS lead.
Modulated delays and crystals from the valhalla dance in a smeared universe of sounds while octave higher reversed flashy lines blaze!
Such is the nordic pantheon where the mighty Wotan rules.
Some Plex DiffVerb added post the blazing.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GORGEOUS   Supernotches glory!
Prpbably the best musical delay you can get from the TIMELINE. Two identically set delays are swept to create amazing phase notches. Notice the spatial stereo spread and the beauty of the modulation here. Nice with compression, chorus, detuning or an Electric Mistress!
TC SCF chorus added before and 8v detuners post.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  ERPLEX   Not a disease name!
Using an early reflections style multitap delay pattern a spectacular reverb is generated. Deep and 3D, almost Eventide plex-ish in its character (not quite there yet!) w/tasty filtering and modulation. Great for sparse playing.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GREYHOLE   Once there was the BlackHole! Then the Grey brother came along� from sustained diffused early reflections.
Depth and glory!
TC Sustainer compression added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  OLDCHORUS   Really beautiful chorus sound! With some nasty artifacts 'cuz of 12 KHz sampling rate and odd 14 bit resolution.
Remove the artifacts and get this spectacular chorus as recorded here.
TC Sustainer compression added before and stereo delays are set post.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DYNDLY   Introduced in the mid '80s with the TC2290, dynamic Delay is a dramatic effect where echo trails are lowered in level by your playing dynamics (ducked out!) and come back when you pause. Nice on a clean lead gtr.
TC Sustainer compression added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TEXTURE 1   A lot going on here, creating a tone. Delays w/fast modulation, almost vibrato style, some nice filtering and stereo imaging tricks.
The echoes are beautiful.
TC Sustainer compression added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TEXTURE 4   Slightly overdriven tone for this delay. Nice on dirty sources.
TC Sustainer compression and TC SCF chorus added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  MOOD 1   Moody reversed ambience. Another reverb kind from this great device!
TC Sustainer compression added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  MOOD 2   Gritty multitap delays nice for both rhythmic and sparse playing. Let it drive the way YOU play�
TC Sustainer compression added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  KHEPRI   The scarab beetle god from Ancient Egypt! A force moving the sun across the sky.
This mighty sound has a dark, low gritty end for the earth and a warm deep ambience for the sky.
A strong efx for powerful harmonic statements.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  HATHORΔMINDBEND   Two presets in a clip!
Hathor is one of the most famous goddesses of ancient Egypt. She was originally a personification of the Milky Way, which was considered to be the milk that flowed from the udders of a heavenly cow. Hathor was also the goddess of beauty and the patron of dancers and was associated with percussive music. As the "lady of the west" and the "lady of the southern sycamore" she protected and assisted the dead on their final journey.
You will recognize many of these words in the sound! A thing of beauty in your glass of milk. Mindbend is an obnoxious underground creature!
An octave down @ half speed... and reversed. Mindbend has some Plex DiffVerb post.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  RYANDLY   Ryan knows about echoes!
Spectacular 350/500 ms delays for the lead tones connoisseur!
Delays tap on sides and overlap in the center, once in a while. Wild and fat!
The background chordal sequence is the same as in the GORGEOUS clip.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  ECHOVERB   A dense cluster of fast delays evolving in a mid '50s space movies ambience. Plate and spring are somehow related to its tonal colors.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TIMEBINSON   Fast multi-head tape delays evolving in detuned ambience. Mild and moody.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  550_480   More echotricks for your solos.
Adds a wide stereo space image.
Another delay secret revealed to the TIMELINE addicts!
TC Sustainer compression and TC SCF chorus added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TIDE-ISH   Multitap delays verbing out! Sounds almost like a Tide...
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  WAVES   ... of tremmed echoes, dark and deep, surrounding you! Try different delay settings as this is great fun to play with...
TC Sustainer compression added before.
(download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)