Italo de Angelis

Eventide and other stuff > Lexicon PCM80/81 THE REVELATION COLLECTION

Welcome to the third collection for the Lexicon PCM80/81!

Finally! A work of love... years of sweat on it. A modular collection you will be able to custom assemble in groups of presets. VERY convenient and super finely tuned for sound excellence.

This is a very special work for several good reasons.

Let's see what they are...

  • The collection features presets built with all native and FX CARDS algorithms
  • the CORE 151 presets run on both machines, without the need for any external algorithms card
  • the PITCH 44 presets run natively on the PCM81 and require the PITCH FX card on the PCM80
  • the DUAL FX 66 presets require the DUAL FX card to run on both the PCM80 and 81
  • the TWO PCMs 18 presets are for rigs running 2 PCM80s/81s or mix of them, for very special and elaborate sounds. They require the PITCH FX card on the PCM80 for one preset only
  • the Reel to Reel (R2R) Tape Echo 30 presets run on both machines. No cards required
  • the PORTED from the DUAL FX card 7 presets run on both machines. No cards required
  • the number of presets is simply HUGE, 316... and their sonic quality is stunning!
  • you will be able to create your library by choosing subgroups of presets to fit the software cards you have. As an example a PCM80 w/PITCH FX card owner may not need the DUAL FX presets subgroup and get it in a second time.

A rich FREE bonus group of 100 extra presets is included if you buy the whole package! Please contact me for details.

Please refer to the downloadable library booklet for technical details and single presets descriptions.
Lexicon PCM80/81
The Revelation Collection


You can download and use material from this website.
For any reuse you must mention this website as source.
You can't re_distribute the material available here, only link to it and to these webpages.

CORE (151 presets)

Delays - Modulation FX - Morphing Echoes (including Spirals) - Reverbs - Multi-FX - Cinematics
This is very tricky matter! And no... it�s not morphing as in algorithms transitions (nor the cheap crossfading some brag about these days... which ain�t morphing at all!) This is about realtime changing delay times, absolute or rhythmic values, to get changing atmospheres, pads or rhythmic grooves. An evolved vision of the echo! Here the structures are cascading delays, where their interaction and the times morphs cause interesting mutations in what you hear.
The challenge is about getting rid of/reducing as much as possible the delay times instant changes artifacts... yep those ugly pitch glides tape echo lovers like so much (for which reason remains a mystery to me as they are so un-musical, definitely not useful). The PCM has its ways to handle those pitch glides, more or less, getting them to be musical and not too nasty.
This is about morphing pads... or rhythms! A new way to use delay effects. Think about it!
Morphing echoes are subtle... more about ambience and detuning. Spirals and X-Rhythms are definitely about stronger delay times/rhythms dramatic changes.

The 6 SPACES presets are unique! They are all large reverberant spaces created with delays, diffusion and randomization only. No reverbs algorithms have been used. They have a different envelope from traditional reverb as tails needs to build up first, then decay. Strong attack transients may be unpleasant here... but such spaces are gorgeous, moody, majestic, 3D....
  8 Shades of Chorus   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  300M Hall   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  480PrimeChors SawTriGlirus   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  480Swirls and TapeSpace3   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  1985Chorus   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  A480BeautyIntoStarlessB   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Biomorphverb   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Biosphere   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  C Phrygian Verb   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Chorus Image and ForeverBlue   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  ChorusMondoandTPierceDlys   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  ContemPlate   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DanishJob1andCascades2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DIGseries Quadrature0   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DynoChrsAndGlide and HyperCombDly   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  EarlyR LateR and R2R EkoDrom1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  EchoMorph2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  EchoPlate   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  EchoRoom   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  ER LR Plate   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  FMchorus2andTPierceTapeDlys   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GlideAndChorus and LiquidSpace   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GTRGrease2 and R2R EchoPan   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Hallamber   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  HeavyGTR Hall   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Hexentanz2 SawTriGlirus   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  HybridChorus2andHugeEchoes   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  HybridChorus2andLexiconEchoes   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  HyperCombAndDly   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  HyperCombs and EchoMorph3   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  JapanChorusandSilverPlate   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Large Chamber   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Layin' Magic   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  MediumChamberintoStarlessB   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  More ContemPlate   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Oblivion2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  PanChorus6v and XTapsDly2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Pentatronix   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Quadrature3 and XTapsDlys2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  RoxyChamber   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SilverPlate   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Space1_1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Space1_2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Space4_1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Space4_2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Spiral3_1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Spiral5_4   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Spiral6_2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SpiralTape3   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  StudioChorus and EternHall2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  StudioChorusAndPostDlys Vrb   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SuperChorus and SpiralSpace1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TimPierceDly   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  XRhythmEkoB   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)

PITCH (44 presets)

Delays - Thickeners - Shifted Worlds - Multi-FX - Cinematics
  4vDoubler2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Bradford1946   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  ClrmntnThick   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Dancing5ths   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DtunersDrome   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DtunersHarp   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  FatDelays   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GlxdetunersAndXTapsDly2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  MShift Verb   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  MShift Verb2 B   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  MShiftCloud1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  MThompsonDly   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)

DUAL FX (66 presets)

Delays - Delays Cascades (including Paradiddles) - Multi-FX - Reverbs - Cinematics
The Paradiddles presets are based on polyrhythms created by cascading delays, using correlated delay time or synchronized rhythmic subdivisions. They remind me of the way drummers practice their rudiments, the paradiddles, to develop control and hands independence, along with single, double and triple strokes and accents from each hand.
  BelieveMe   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Believe Me Dirty   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Cumulonimbus   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DesertGuitar   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  EchoesBlend2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  EchoesBlend3   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Endlessgasm   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  EpicEchoesAndSpaceA   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  FMchorus3AndMaelstrom   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  FreeFlanges   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GlidePad   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GlidingHall   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GlidingHall2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GoldenRatio1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GoldenRatio2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  GothamCity   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  MaelstromAndPostDlys Vrb   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Paradiddles1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Paradiddles2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Paradiddles5   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Paradiddles7   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Reflections   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  RiseAndShine   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SpatialEcho   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SpreadEchoes   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  StudioDelay   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  SweptHall   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TTParadiddles2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TTParadiddlesMorph1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)

TWO PCMs (18 presets)

These are just 9 examples of what 2 PCMs can do. If you have 2 PCMs I strongly encourage you to try many combinations off this whole collection of presets, as you will find some marvelous new sounds blending two presets from these great processors.
  BandromeA_B   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Cascade2A_B   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  ClrmntDlyA_B   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DIGseriesA_B   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  DIGseries2A_B   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  StarlessA_B   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)

REEL TO REEL (R2R) TAPE ECHO (30 presets)

Things get spectacular here! The PCM80/81 have a way to create tape echo/modulation effects which is exactly the same technique used in studio tape decks. You get to hear the same beautiful liquid natural combs and notches coming from phase canceling and micro delays shifts as in reel to reel tape decks. Many of these presets can be used without mixing ANY dry sound in parallel to them. Full WET! You�ll hear what I�m talking about.
This is it... look no further...
  R2R_ChorusAndEcho   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_ChorusAndR2RSqueeze2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_EchoHalo   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_EchoPad1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_EchoPan   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_EkoDrom1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_EkoDrom2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_Flanger2_AndTheGods   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_Flanger2andDIGseries   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_Squeeze   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_SurrEkoVerb   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_SurroundEcho   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_SurroundPad1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_SurroundPad4   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_SurrPad3   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_SurrPad6   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  R2R_WideEcho   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Tape3H_Even   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  Tape3HGRatio   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TapeSpace1   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TapeSpace2   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)
  TapeSpace3   (download aiff/stream mp3 @320k)